File Archive

Please note: My config files have not been cleaned up all neat and tidy for publication, they are evolving documents which for the most part have a few years' worth of history in them. So if you really want to use them yourself, you might wish to do a bit of cleanup. If I ever get lots of spare time I'll probably do it myself, but for the time being I'm just happy they work as intended.

> i3--config

My personal i3 config file.


The config file for the i3 bar at my screen's top edge.

> i3--i3status.bottom.conf

The config file for the i3 bar at my screen's bottom edge.

> tmux.conf

My config file for tmux.

> vimrc

My vimrc.

> zshrc

My zshrc. Unfortunately I don't remember where I found the original upon which this is based, but original credit for all those nice lines and such does not go to me.

> apollo.pdf

The pdf version of APOLLO's build log.

> zeus.pdf

The pdf version of ZEUS' build log.

> helios.pdf

The pdf version of HELIOS' build log.